A weekend foray to Ramstein was clearly overdue, and with a lot of UH-60’s being flown in by C-5 at the moment my brother and I had a good excuse (if ever needing one) to jump in the car and head south. Flying was decent, the weather was not: winter cold, hazy and grey. Still, no complaining here!
Saturday morning was specially wintery and hazy, resulting in this shot of Reach 881
Tail number 10-0218 is currently the newest C-17 in the USAF inventory, about to depart to Kandahar as Reach 966
The New York Air National Guard has traded in their C-5 Galaxy’s for C-17’s, thus becoming the latest (and likely last) new Globemaster III unit in the Air Force. Reach 252 heading home to Stewart
Sunset (tail 04-4138, Reach 267)
KC-10’s can rarely be seen in large numbers (we were lucky with two this weekend) but remain a welcome sight to counter the C-17 onslaught. KC-10A 83-0082 waiting for its Sunday departure to McGuire as Reach 800, while Reach 660 is crossing the piano keys
C-5M Super Galaxy’s are no longer a rare sight, but the fun (the characteristic noise of the old Galaxy) has certainly diminished a lot with its coming into service. Reach 811 bringing a single UH-60A back from an Afghan deployment